Que theme music

Posted by Anonymous , Tuesday, June 7, 2011 2:05 PM

The truth is, things are terribly boring at the moment. Things are too peaceful... isn't that suspicious? There's always something happening out there in the vast galaxy of imagination.

As Isadora asked, what are we supposed to do when no trouble is present?

Not that we WANT to stir up trouble, but our livelihood was centering on helping various characters, races, and things out of sticky situations. It involves pointing time travelers in the right direction, making sure their very annoying evil villans don't follow them, and cleaning a whole lot of peanut butter out of space ships.

So as I, Z, sat outside on this particularly pleasant day (for Mars) I pondered this. There isn't much happening in the sky right now. A few clouds shimmered, but any time travelers passing through seemed to have no trouble whatsoever. Things were outrageously, frustratingly quiet. I was so bored I wished I had a spaceship that needed cleaning out. No worries. All the spaceships were sparkling. I checked 5 minutes ago.

I watched, interested, as a shimmer of light stopped and out popped a time traveler, bouncing onto the surface of our planet. Oh. It turned out to be Electra. She was looking like an Electra today. Her hair stood on end like she'd stuck a finger in a socket, and to top it off, her eyes were bugging out as well.

"Where've you been?" I said, in a friendly tone. Certainly it seemed more interesting than being stuck on guard duty. When you're the only one wielding a magical staff, suddenly it seems like everyone wants you to guard the planet from trespassing troublemakers.
Electra rubbed a grease stain off her forehead. "I got transported to the wrong planet," she started in her dramatic, hand waving sort of way, "And you would not BELIEVE how appalled I am that the control panel messed up. Apparently, this place hasn't been explored yet, and so I spent my day running from unfriendly looking swords and swimming across a channel to escape an obnoxious looking ninja!"
"Wow," I said, impressed, "Ninjas? What did they look like?"
"Just one. He had an equally angry looking blond girl arguing with him when I accidentally hit him on the head," she paused for a breath, then launched into another subject, "Z, take me to those robots. I order you to zap one of them for their incompetence. Never do I want to be put back on the planet again."

I didn't zap any robots today because (A) I don't take orders from Electra and (B) I didn't feel like risking a miffed robot's wrath. We went back into the fortress, Electra trying to tame her hair. I told her it looked most becoming.

"Yes, well, you WOULD," was all the reply I got. I split off and went my own direction to visit the robots--no zapping but all the same I was curious to see what they were up to, and wondering where Saffron was because she's usually so good with them. I left Tad, our semi depressed emo apprentice (he doesn't have an apprenticeship, so he's really an apprentice to no one and NEEDS A JOB) on guard duty. I mean, what could go wrong?

- Your bored-out-of-her-mind wizard, the zany Z. 

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