There's A World Out There
Posted by Lorna , Wednesday, June 15, 2011 8:22 PM
Well I had just returned from a fairly boring assignment when I ran into a wide-eyed, steaming Electra. Before I explain what she was fuming about I think I should introduce myself a bit so you don't take me wrong.
I am a bounty hunter. I chase reckless villains across the galaxy and time in order to make a meager living. Unfortunately now the art of bounty hunting is becoming a lost trade in this new era that I have chosen to establish myself in, so I take great pride in my selected skill. I am the future, the last light of this masterless and noble trade of independence. I aim to establish once again the flawless, time honored title of the bounty hunter.
Unfortunately this bounty hunting trade only prospers when someone of modest fortune is angry, vengeful, or busy enough to pay to have their enemy captured. As mentioned before, the worlds are going through an annoying time of peace, leaving one to only hope for a sudden disaster to create some havoc. Because the bounty hunting business has been on a down turn for more then a few years I decided to take up exploring. Delightfully so, exploring had been very calming and exhilarating all at once. I am able to meet new people, see new lands, and often keep fit by running away from strange creatures. Overall I enjoy the life of an explorer and bounty hunter, even if it does have major disappointments and heartache.
Last week I was lucky enough to have the fortune of a small job, capturing a lost princess. Yes, a humiliating job for a ruthless hunter, but I needed money, so I took the job. Let's just say that princess is a speedy traveler and picks the most inconvenient places to travel. It was from this task that I was returning from when I met Electra.
I was walking silently, contemplating what I could do with my meager earnings, when I felt a jolt on my left shoulder. Turning suddenly around I had to remind Electra for the millionth time not to touch my left shoulder as it never fails to bring back the sharp pain and rather-be- forgotten memories.
"Do something about them!" she hissed at me. "They have got to be put under control once and for all. Rewire them! Rewrite them! It doesn't matter to me as long as they are fixed! Did you know they sent me to a wrong planet? A new planet. I didn't even know that was possible!"
As she was saying this I could only assume that she was talking about the robots; Electra has always had slight trouble with the things. What really caught my ear were the words new planet. Finally something interesting to do! Suddenly my mind was awake with purpose and I began to spout questions. "Where was this planet? Did anyone live there? What was the weather? Does it belong to a new solar system? What time is it in?"
Electra then proceeded to give me the typical look of annoyance before shouting and storming off. "How should I know all those answers? I just want the robots fixed! Go ask the dreadful in-subordinates yourself!"
Electra and I don't have the best relationship at times, but that is a problem for another time. Just think another planet to explore! Now all I need is a exploring companion. I wonder who would be willing to come with me? Maybe the bard will come or possibly whats-his-name philosopher spy.....
Off to explore!
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